Moving the dial

How our Financial Institutions Industry Group is changing perceptions.

Against all odds

Why sponsorship of a para-athlete is a perfect match.


History in the makingx

Capturing more than 100 years of history in one 300-page book is no small task. In fact, work on White & Case – The First 100 Years and Beyond began about 18 years ago and has involved a massive amount of work.

“I hope this book inspires people across the Firm to shape the next chapter of our history.”

“Putting this book together has been an adventure,” explains Editor-in-Chief and former Chairman Duane Wall.

“It’s been a long journey – one that began when former Chairman Jim Hurlock first suggested the idea back in 1998, culminating in the launch in May this year.

“Over those years there have been countless contributors, several changes of direction and a few bumps in the road, but the end result is a comprehensive history of the Firm of which I think we can all be proud. My heartfelt thanks to everyone involved.”

Producing the book was a labor of love, including countless hours of research, writing, interviews, fact-checking, layout and design work, editing, proofreading and production management. But it was all worth the effort!

Duane says: “One of the highlights of putting the book together was getting to meet a few of the relatives of DuPratt White and George Case, two of whom attended the book’s launch event in New York on May 1.


The book is officially
launched in New York on the
116th anniversary of the
firm. Duane Wall hands
it over to Chairman
Hugh Verrier.
The event is attended by
many of the people involved
in compiling the book,
as well as relatives of
key White & Case figures

Launch events are held
at every White and Case
office, with all employees
offered a personal copy

Look out for a digital
version of the book that
will be made available
online during the summer


“One of these was White’s great-great-granddaughter, Rebecca Taylor, who allowed us to photograph a trophy that was presented to White in 1917 by officers of Bankers Trust Company, now Deutsche Bank.

“The other was Case’s great-granddaughter, Elizabeth Jennings, who gave the Firm a swan figurine that he gave to her mother at a family gathering. It was a touching story, so we chose to feature it on the last page of the book.

“As described on page 118 of the book, we were also given George Case’s old office desk, which is now in the reading room of the library at our new office in New York.”

Though the focus of the book is clearly on the past, the ‘and beyond’ of the title reveals its relevance to the new generation of talent across the Firm.

“More than anything, I hope this book inspires people across the Firm to shape the next chapter of our history, having seen where we’ve come from and what we’ve achieved,” says Duane.

“People have asked me which chapter of the book I like best. I like them all, and I think everyone else will as well, but I consider Chapters 1 and 10 as required reading. Those chapters illustrate that founding partners Justin DuPratt White and George Case were not only outstanding lawyers, but also inspirational leaders who instilled a unique culture into the Firm that has survived through the generations.

“Like DuPratt and George Case, our lawyers today are talented, entrepreneurial, dedicated to client service, collegial, collaborative, civic-minded, and good stewards of the Firm who want to pass down to the next generation an even better firm than the one passed down to them. As long as our lawyers have these qualities and remain faithful to these principles, the future of the Firm is secure.”

Did you know?

While researching the book, the team uncovered some unusual facts.

Duane says: “We mounted a determined search through the Firm’s records to fill in some of the blanks of our history and provide a record for future generations, and we made some remarkable discoveries, including a book of the minutes of Firm meetings from 1914-1922, audited annual financial statements dating back to 1927, and Firm directories dating back to 1929.”

Here are just a few facts revealed in the book:

  • In 1894, founding partner George Case invented baseball’s ‘squeeze play’ when he was captain of the Yale baseball team. 
  • DuPratt White dedicated 39 years of his life to the preservation of the majestic cliffs, or palisades, on the west bank of the Hudson River north of New York City and was called by The New York Times the “guiding figure” in the project. 
  • Charles Whittlesey joined the Firm after winning the Congressional Medal of Honor for saving his battalion during a battle in the woods of Argonne in World War I.

    His heroism was featured in the 1919 film The Lost Battalion.