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Hidden Talent

Born to dancex

Tough isn’t the first word many would associate with dance, but that’s one of the biggest attributes you need to be successful, according to Offices Services Clerk/Legal Secretary Ivan Oltramari (pictured above).

“Because it looks so graceful, there’s a misconception that it’s easy and that anyone could do it,” he explains, “but that’s far from the truth. While it’s true anyone can enjoy dancing, to be really good at it requires a huge amount of training, stamina, endurance and dedication.”

Ivan started dancing when he was just five years old and he credits his grandmother with introducing him to the art-form.

“I think she just wanted something that would get me out of the house,” he jokes, “so she took me down to a local dance school in the town I grew up in, Bergantino, in North East Italy.

“I loved it straightaway, particularly because I was immediately teamed up with a dance partner I worked really well with, Jessica.

“We were dance partners for the next 12 years, mostly for ballroom dancing, but also trying out several other styles such as Latin dance (Samba, Rumba, Jive, Cha Cha), Argentine tango, and Caribbean dance (Salsa, Bachata).”


“I love it here
because it’s an
open minded
place and you
feel like you’re
working with
old friends.
We work hard,
but we also have
fun together. It’s
a collaborative
and helpful place
to work.”

As Ivan and Jessica reached school leaving age the time they had to dedicate to dance faded and they went their different ways.

Ivan says: “We realised that dance was such a difficult world to break into and that we wouldn’t be able to juggle it with our day jobs so, for the next four years my involvement in dance was quite sporadic.

“In 2008 I joined a dance school in Verona to focus on the modern jazz genre and, that summer, I spent some time working as an entertainer at a camp site, which I really enjoyed.”

At the age of 28 and believing any future in dance had passed, Ivan was encouraged to audition for a place on the Contemporary Dance degree course for two of the most prestigious universities of contemporary dance in the UK: the London Contemporary Dance School and the Northern School of Contemporary Dance in Leeds.

He says: “Around 1,500 people applied for 50 places and I couldn’t believe it when they told me I’d been chosen for both universities, especially as I was much older than the rest of the students.

”In the end I chose the university in London. It was one big family and everyone helped me settle. Every day was different and it was challenging, but great fun.

“In Italy, people are quite closed-minded when it comes to dance (it’s mainly about ballet) but I loved trying out new styles and bringing them back here.”

On his return to Italy, Ivan joined the company at Core’s Band Dance Academy in Milan, where he is now a teacher. Of his love for dance he says: “I just love being able to express myself through dance and to really make a connection with the audience.

“Being a good dancer doesn’t require any particular physical attributes. Technique is very important, but for me it’s more about passion, dedication and never giving up. I’d recommend it to anyone.”

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