A new chapter

Major case takes Gilead relationship to next level.

On the record

With alumnus Paul Nightingale of Guinness World Records.

Our People

Taking pride in Spectrumx

Everyone should have the freedom to bring their full selves to work, which is why diversity and inclusion is so central to our culture.

As an international Firm committed to creating a collaborative, supportive and respectful environment for all our people and those we work with, it’s important to advance LGBT+ inclusion globally.

We live in a world where heterosexual orientation and binary gender identity (i.e. the classification of gender into two distinct and opposite forms of masculine and feminine) are viewed as the ‘norm’.

This shows up in a variety of ways, including in the assumption that people only identify as either male or female, or that all or most people we encounter are straight.

Many factors have created this status quo: media images of those in relationships, traditional cultural norms regarding male vs. female behavior, and limited stereotypical images of those who aren’t straight.

The result? People who do not conform to these assumptions may experience feelings of exclusion or don’t feel accepted for who they are, and they may struggle with the idea of disclosing their sexual orientation or gender identity in the workplace.

Research shows that energy spent covering or downplaying an aspect of one’s identity negatively affects employee engagement, workplace productivity and success and, at the Firm, we want our employees to bring their true selves to work and to make their strongest, unique contribution.

Our Spectrum affinity group supports us in this mission. Open to all lawyers and business services professionals who identify as LGBT+ and/or allies, the network hosts events, offers peer support and provides networking opportunities in our United States, London and Germany offices.

There has been increasing interest in the group from our offices in other parts of the world, including Asia.

Frankfurt Partner Dennis Heuer, Chair of Spectrum in Germany and a member of the Global Diversity Committee, explains: “Several years ago, the Firm’s Chair Hugh Verrier challenged us to look at our approach to diversity and to ask ourselves what needed to change.

“We’ve been looking at ways of widening the support we offer, regardless of where you work.”

“Our discussions identified the need for a more structured global approach if we were to embed diversity consistently across the business.

“The formation of Spectrum groups has been part of that response, but we recognize that we’re still more active in some countries than others, so this year we’ve been looking at ways of widening the support we offer, regardless of where you work.”

One example is the establishment of a Global Spectrum Leadership group.

New York Partner and Chair of the Global Diversity Committee Arlene Arin Hahn explains: “The group has been set up as a bridge between local networks because, as a global firm, we need a global approach to diversity, with more consistency and visibility across the group.

“It’s a forum where leaders and offices can share ideas and best practice, and consider the issues facing colleagues who identify as LGBT+ in jurisdictions where we may not currently have an affinity group.”

The Global Spectrum Leadership group held its first meeting earlier this year and plans to meet regularly, so that it can monitor global and regional issues.

Support when you need it

Sharing best practice and pooling resources is also an important priority of the group. Associate Nate Crowley, who has overseen the growth of our Spectrum affinity group in London, says: “The Global Spectrum Leadership group is about offering mutual support and encouragement, which is something that’s been vital in building our London network.

“It’s about offering mutual support and encouragement, which is something that’s been vital in building our London network.”

“Back in 2015, we had an LGBT+ affinity group, but it wasn’t particularly active or consistently visible, so we decided to improve our structure and increase our profile.

“Part of that has been about creating consistency in our calendar, so people know that, if it’s Pride Month or LGBT History Month, they can expect us to acknowledge the occasion.

“We also team up with our clients, most significantly BNP Paribas, so we can demonstrate our joint commitment to diversity through events such as our Pride celebration held at the Haymarket Hotel earlier this year, which featured keynote speeches from Office Executive Partner Melissa Butler, and the UK Country Head of BNP Paribas Anne Marie Verstraeten, as well as an immersive ballet performance.”

The growth of the London network has been boosted by the involvement of straight allies who actively support the affinity group and regularly attend events.

Nate says: “We’ve grown from a network of around 10 people to nearly 100 people, including allies. That says a lot about our inclusive culture and reflects the inspiring support Spectrum has from people across the business. We’re really proud of the work that we’ve done.”

Building a network

As well as teaming up with clients for Spectrum events, we also partner with other LGBT+ organizations, such as the PROUT AT WORK foundation in Germany.

“This cross-office approach is something we’re keen to build on with joint events where everyone, from any office, knows they are welcome to attend.”

White & Case was a founding partner of PROUT AT WORK, which collaborates with businesses to raise awareness of LGBT+ issues and promote best practice.

Dennis explains: “We’ve worked with them since the beginning to offer legal advice in setting up the foundation and I currently represent the Firm on the PROUT AT WORK supervisory board.

“When you consider that our Spectrum group in Germany is quite small, partnering with them connects us to a wider network of people, employers and events.”

Next spring, we’ll be working with PROUT AT WORK when they support Spectrum workshops being held simultaneously in London, Frankfurt and Paris.

Dennis says: “The events will be a chance to hear from expert speakers, discuss best practice and compare how we’re doing in each country, so we can offer further support and work together where needed.

“This cross-office approach is something we’re keen to build on, with joint events where everyone, from any office, knows they are welcome to attend.”

Reaching out

Our network in the Americas is also looking to extend its reach to more offices, having become well established in Washington, D.C. and New York.

“The establishment of our new Global Spectrum Leadership group will help us spread our support even wider.”

Washington D.C. Partner and the group’s Co-Chair, Jane Rueger, explains: “I got involved with the LGBT+ affinity group several years ago and, since then, the creation of the Spectrum brand has helped make our approach more global and reflective of an international firm.

“We’ve still got a long way to go to reach all offices in the Americas, but I’m excited to see the way the group is growing. The establishment of our new Global Spectrum Leadership group will help us spread our support even wider.”

Events in the United States have included World Pride celebrations in several offices earlier this year. In New York, more than 100 colleagues, friends, family and clients gathered along the parade route to celebrate the occasion, while we also sponsored the LBTQWomen conference for the first time.

Our Washington, D.C. office participated in Capital Pride for the first time, hosting an event in the parade staging area. Guests enjoyed face painting and other activities and were able to walk in the parade with our pro bono partner, Whitman-Walker Health.

In 2017, the Firm teamed up with BNP Paribas to celebrate NY Pride at a restaurant on the parade route.

Jane says: “Partnering with client networks helps us to feel part of a wider network and means we can learn from one another.

“Many of our clients are Fortune 500 companies who, like us, are working to break down barriers when it comes to diversity.

“The thing I love about Spectrum is that it has such visible backing from our leadership and that many members and allies are passionate about being involved.”

“Likewise, having a serious approach to diversity is increasingly vital for young people considering a career at the Firm, who see a supportive working environment as critical to their career choice. It’s no longer just a ‘nice to have’.”

Nate adds: “I’ve attended student career fairs around the UK and students are always asking what we’re doing about LGBT+ and diversity issues, because it plays a big part in their career decisions.

“It’s great to be able to tell them I’m part of the network in London, so I can give them first-hand experience of what the culture is like.”

Arlene says: “The thing I love about Spectrum is that it has such visible backing from our leadership and that many members and allies are passionate about being involved.

“As an ally myself, I know how important it is for everyone to feel they belong and can bring their authentic selves to work.

“We’re so proud of our Spectrum affinity groups around the world and to have a global Spectrum group is further proof of how committed we are to diversity and inclusion.”

To find out more about Spectrum or to register an interest, visit the Connect registration page.

You can also check out our London Spectrum Connect page.