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Elevate: investing in the next generationx

White & Case’s new Global Citizenship campaign is designed to concentrate the Firm’s volunteering and charitable giving initiatives on one key area: investing in youth through education, empowerment and employability.

Called Elevate, the campaign will not only incorporate and build on the many existing programs taking place throughout White & Case but also provide a unifying direction for new projects and partnerships. The idea came out of the Firm’s Global Citizenship Committee, created in January of this year.

London Partner and Chair of the Global Citizenship Committee Melissa Butler says: “As a highly successful business, we need to ensure we give back in a way that’s commensurate with our size and depth around the world. We have a unique opportunity (and responsibility) to capitalize on our global footprint and resources to make a difference.”

White & Case has long recognized its responsibility to give back to the communities in which we operate, 
but the causes we’ve chosen to support have tended to vary from office to office, led by local needs and interests. While people will still be able to invest in their local communities, we wanted to create an overarching global theme that everyone can get behind and support.

Director of Global Citizenship Elizabeth Black says: “By launching this global Elevate campaign, we hope to inspire and unite people so that, collectively as One Firm, we can make a difference and tangibly see the impact of what we’re doing.”

The theme of investing in the next generation was chosen because it is a challenge that people across the Firm can relate to. It’s something we’re already actively doing through our existing work such as our support for moot courts, including the Jessup competition and Vis arbitration moot, our social mobility projects in the UK and United States, and our support of urban debate leagues. Our chosen charities in Germany, London and New York have also often been focused on youth, for example supporting mental health work in schools or helping underprivileged youth.

New York Partner and Leader of the New York Chosen Charity Committee Rob Bennett says: “We have a great deal of untapped power among our people. We are better if we do things together.”

Rob, who also serves as member of the Global Citizenship Committee, adds: “This isn’t about starting over, but we identified empowering the next generation as something that resonates with our people around the world where we can make a difference using the broad skillset we have as a Firm.”

The Elevate campaign was launched in early October and will continue for two years, after which a new theme will be chosen.

The campaign launch is part of an increased focus on Global Citizenship, which began early this year when the Global Citizenship and Global Pro Bono Practice were internally separated.

This was done so that each growing area would benefit from a different leadership stream, as well as specific attention, oversight and resources.

The Global Citizenship Committee, under the leadership of Chair Melissa Butler, will lead the efforts of responsible business, legal education, volunteering and charitable giving.

Melissa says: “I’m thrilled to have been asked to chair the committee – it’s such an honor. Giving back in our communities and taking responsible corporate action is something I feel strongly about. We’ve done an incredible job over the years and by continuing to coordinate our efforts globally under the stewardship of the Committee, we have the potential to do even more.”

Elizabeth adds: “Members of the group were chosen to cover a broad range of practices, industries and geographies, including lawyers and business services professionals, but what we have in common is a passion for championing Global Citizenship issues.”

The committee includes 12 people including partners, associates, regional chief operating officers, our Global Sustainability manager and our global director of Diversity and Inclusion.

Hong Kong Associate and Committee Member Sabrina Lee says: “This is very much a working committee reflecting how seriously we take Global Citizenship. It’s made up of people at all levels, bringing enthusiasm, ideas and the authority to make decisions and progress the Firm’s efforts in this area.”

Global Director of Diversity and Inclusion (D&I) Ales Rudisar adds: “This group brings so many different perspectives and experiences that shape what the Committee focuses on. We see many opportunities for Global Citizenship and D&I to intersect and complement each other, especially with our new Elevate campaign, and I look forward to contributing my expertise to the group and our work.”

Melissa concludes: “Many of our people are passionate about volunteering and we hope this campaign will motivate more people to get involved and invest their time.

“In keeping with the Elevate campaign, we want to boost the amount of volunteering our people are able to do and the impact we can make together.”