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Going for growth with Gileadx


Identify opportunities
in new practices

Get more partners
involved with Gilead

Improve our contact
with key decision makers

Ensure clients are satisfied
and promoters of the Firm

Expand into new matters,
practices, and geographies

For more than 30 years, global pharmaceutical company Gilead has been on the frontline of the battle against disease, making life-saving breakthroughs in the fight against HIV and Hepatitis C. Here, we profile our growing relationship with this Key Client.

We’ve only been working with Gilead for three years, but it’s testimony to the strength of our relationship that we already view this global pharmaceutical giant as one of our Key Clients.

Our relationship with Gilead began in 2015 when it was looking for a legal partner to help on Sourcing & Technology Transaction (S&TT) matters.

We quickly became a partner of choice, billing more than US$1 million in S&TT work from August 2015 to August 2016.

Strengthening ties

The relationship was strengthened further when Gilead asked us to support its in-house technology legal department in day-to-day commercial contract work.


We do this via our Tampa Global Operations Center, while continuing to support Gilead’s more strategic technology goals with large-scale managed services agreements.

It’s a blossoming relationship and one we are keen to take to the next level.

Partner Adam Chernichaw of the S&TT Group, who has been working with the client since the beginning, explains: “We’ve built a really strong partnership with Gilead’s Information Technology group and we feel there are opportunities to make more of it, expanding the way we help them to include more practices and offices, so they take advantage of our strengths as a global law firm.”


Gilead’s recent inclusion in the Key Client Program aims to drive this forward. The efforts are led by a dedicated client team including Global Relationship Partner Heather McDevitt and Relationship Manager Jennifer Eckert.

Prominent partners working with Gilead include Adam in New York and London-based Partner Jonathan Pickworth in London, while Silicon Valley-based Partner Eric Lancaster also has strong links with the client.

Jonathan, who is responsible for developing white collar work with Gilead, says: “I have known Caroline Stockwell of Gilead’s European legal team for many years, so the foundations of a good relationship were already there, but we’re also strengthening this and broadening the work we do for Gilead through client secondments.

“Associate Joe Carroll has just returned from a secondment in Gilead’s London office, while Marek Dosedel is currently working with the client in Prague.

“Both secondments relate to anti-corruption and anti-bribery work and have given us an opportunity to showcase what we can do and the quality of our people. They’ve also helped us to get under the skin of their business, so we can build an understanding of what they need and how we could best help them.”


The extension of our client relationship into white collar work has also been strengthened following our retention on a white collar anti-bribery matter in Slovakia.

Further evidence of the strength of the relationship came when Jonathan was asked to speak at Gilead’s European offsite earlier this year.

Heather says: “It’s clear that there is a lot of opportunity to expand our relationship with Gilead because our strengths, particularly in the area of IP and anti-trust, are top notch and well suited for the pharmaceutical industry. It’s about continuing to expand geographically and across practices.

“The added focus that the Key Client Program has given us is definitely of benefit.

“We meet regularly, set objectives and goals, and try to look for opportunities and touch points.

“It gives us a dedicated focus, and we’ve had a lot of support from the Firm, which has really helped.”


The team is always looking for opportunities to strengthen the relationship, including several upcoming events in London.

Among them, Caroline Stockwell has been invited to speak at the London ALLIANCE Network’s ‘Lunch with Leaders’ event in October.

Jennifer adds: “From my perspective as the Business Development lead, it’s about keeping your finger on the pulse, knowing the client, watching the news and constantly looking for areas where we may be able to help them.

“Our partners are obviously our eyes and ears on the ground and I’m here to support them, ensure we take a consistent, joined up approach and get an overview of the entire relationship, so we share and maximize the opportunities available.

“It’s important that people across the Firm, whether or not they work with Gilead now, always feel they can pass on a lead or idea, and know who to contact. Sharing is really important.”

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