On track for 2020

Update from Chairman Hugh Verrier.

The Big Interview

New York vision takes shapex

The Big Apple is an exhilarating place to be at the best of times but, according to New York Office Executive Partner Jack Pace, there’s never been a better moment to be working for the Firm in New York.

“It’s a great time to be
working for the Firm, and especially in the New York office.”

“I think we’re going to look back at this time as one of the turning points in the Firm’s history,” he says. “Making our 2020 Vision public was a bold move, as was our pledge to establish ourselves as a leading New York firm in the most competitive legal market in the world.

“To see us already showing significant progress towards achieving these goals is incredibly exciting. It’s a great time to be working for the Firm, and especially in the New York office.”

The Firm identified New York as a focus for growth as part of its 2020 Vision and we’ve been good to our word, increasing lawyer numbers by 19% and, most evidently, relocating to new surroundings at 1221 Avenue of the Americas earlier this year. As well as being a necessary move (we’d simply outgrown our previous office four blocks south), the relocation is a strategically-important statement of intent.

“I think it sends out an important message, because many clients demand a significant presence in New York,” says Jack.

“Having a strong profile here gives us a significant advantage and contributes to our wider strategic goals, because clients expect a leading international firm to have a thriving New York office.”

First impressions count

The new office, situated on the top nine floors and boasting stunning views across the city, has already made a great first impression with clients and rivals alike.

“It’s a big step forward in spreading the message that we are an elite practice.”

Jack explains: “I recently finished a big mediation involving around 50 lawyers from firms across the country and several of them told me ours was the nicest New York office they’d ever seen.

“It’s a big step forward in spreading the message that we are an elite practice.”

It’s been a similar story with colleagues, who appreciate the brighter, modern spaces, improved technology, better services, and collaborative areas that are a feature of the new office.

“I’ve lost count of the number of people who have told me they now feel proud to arrive in the building,” says Jack.

“We’re only four blocks up from our previous office, but the new location within the Rockefeller complex is far superior,” says Jack. “It is right at the center of the universe in New York terms, including a subway station and other services directly beneath the building.”

Focus on collaboration

Perhaps the biggest difference from the old office (which was spread across 30 floors) is the collaborative spaces, with each floor roughly the size of an American football field. That means that, for the first time, each of our six regional sections can be together on one floor.

“It enables us to work smarter, with greater collaboration.”

Jack explains: “Speaking from my own experience, this office has already changed the way I work. I already have more face-to-face meetings with my team than I ever did before, because previously we’d been split across so many floors.”

Another feature of the office is improved technology, including easy access to video conferencing and meeting spaces. “It enables us to work smarter, with greater collaboration,” says Jack. “For instance if I need to talk to colleagues or clients urgently, I’m able to get them on a video call within minutes, without needing the help of a technician, in a space right beside my office.”

Freedom to grow

The office has also been shaped around the New York team’s ambitious expansion plans.

“Everything has been designed with growth and flexibility in mind,” confirms Jack. “For instance, we’ve designed the floor plan, lighting and electrical system in a way that allows us to change two partner offices into three associate offices within 48 hours. And we have an option to expand onto other floors when the need arises.”

“I’m really excited about what the future holds for the Firm in New York.”

Such investment in the office is already showing signs of paying off in relation to the Firm’s 2020 Vision.

Jack says: “Our focus on growth in New York means we are even better placed to compete for the best clients and the most challenging work. Inevitably, this work is often the most profitable.

“And, from an engagement perspective, success in those areas means we are increasingly likely to attract the best legal talent.”

So where does Jack see the office in five years time?

“I envision that we’ll still be working with the most prestigious clients on some of the most important matters in the world, but that, by being selective, we’ll have an even better, more profitable portfolio.

“And, though we are already strong across all industries, I can only see this improving as we continue to build on our strengths in Mergers & Acquisitions, Financial Services, and Litigation.

“It gives me a lot of satisfaction to see what we’ve achieved so far, and I’m really excited about what the future holds for the Firm in New York.”

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